CV / Resume - Fred Choi


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Research Objective

In my research, I am studying how the design of interfaces impact user behavior online, and redesigning social media interfaces for moderators and end-users. Drawing on techniques from visualization, user-interface design, and social computing, I am developing tools that integrate modern techniques in machine learning and NLP to augment the workflow of human moderators. I am exploring positive reinforcement techniques for shaping and driving user behavior. And I am reimagining the experience for end-users to better align with the diversity of user needs. Ultimately, my goal is to advance our understanding of how the design of social media platforms affect us so that we can design better interfaces moving into the future of the online world.

Topics: Social Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Visualization, Machine Learning


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Masters and Ph. D. in Computer Science

Aug 2020 - ongoing


4.0 (to date)


User Interface Design, Natural Language Processing, Social Computing, Antisocial Computing, Social Visualization Listening to Online Social Universes, HCI for ML, Social Spaces

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics

Aug 2017 - May 2020




Interactive Visualization, Virtual Reality, Machine Learning from Data, Computational Vision, Programming Languages, Advanced Computer Graphics, etc.


Roy J. Carver Fellowship

Academic Year 2020-2021

  • Recipient of Roy J. Carver Fellowship from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • 1 year full-tuition + stipend

First Place at the 9th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

Apr 2018

  • Awarded by the Office of Undergraduate Education at RPI, for my project titled “CSDT, Music, and Math” (see Research Experience)



ConvEx:  A Visual Conversation Exploration System for Discord Moderators

CSCW ‘23

Frederick Choi, Tanvi Bajpai, Sowmya Pratipati, Eshwar Chandrasekharan


3D Hand Pose Estimation on Conventional Capacitive Touchscreens

MobileHCI ‘21

Frederick Choi, Chris Harrison, Sven Meyer

Research Experience

Creator Hearts: Investigating the Impact of Positive Signals from YouTube Creators in Shaping Comment Section Behavior

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Social Computing Laboratory (SCUBA)

2023 - ongoing

  • Advised by Dr. Eshwar Chandrasekharan
  • Quantitative study on the effects of positive signals--in particular, creator hearts on YouTube--on large-scale community behaviors

Towards Transparent, Reusable, and Customizable Data Science in Computational Notebooks

Megagon Labs

Summer 2022

  • Co-authored with Sajjadur Rahman, Hannah Kim and Dan Zhang
  • Developed a framework for authoring interactive widgets within computational notebooks that enables transparent, reusable, and customizable data science workflows
  • Accepted into CHI 2023 Late-Breaking Work (awaiting publication)

ConvEx: A Visual Conversation Exploration tool for Discord Moderators

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Social Computing Laboratory (SCUBA)

2021 - 2023

  • Advised by Dr. Eshwar Chandrasekharan
  • Applying visualization techniques to incorporate state-of-the-art text analysis algorithms (e.g. Perspective API for toxicity) into a tool for moderators on Discord
  • Accepted into CSCW ‘23 (awaiting publication)

3D Hand Pose Estimation on Conventional Capacitive Touchscreens

Carnegie-Mellon University

Future Interfaces Group (FIGLAB)

Summer 2020

  • Advised by Dr. Chris Harrison
  • Developed software that can take capacitive touch data from a multi-touch screen (such as an iPad) and construct a 3D hand model of the user’s hand pose, enabling rich interaction possibilities using pre-existing hardware
  • Published in MobileHCI ‘21 (see Publications)

CSDT, Music, and Math

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Culturally Situated Design Tools (CSDT)

2017 - 2018

  • Group led by Dr. Ron Eglash
  • Supervised by James Davis
  • Created culturally-aware interactive software with the goal of better engaging primary and secondary students of underrepresented demographics and fostering in them a deeper interest in STEM
  • Recreated (as a web application) Rhythm Wheels, a CSDT application which embedded concepts involving GCD, LCM, and modular arithmetic into a fun and musical experience.
  • Presented at the 9th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium at RPI and won an award (see Awards/Achievements)


Independent Research


  • Extracurricular high school research project
  • Advised by Dr. Thomas Banchoff, professor emeritus at Brown University
  • Created interactive illustrations of mathematics that can easily be embedded in a web article or journal
  • Intended for teachers and authors to help students and readers visualize concepts to build geometric intuition that is foundational to learning mathematics
  • Written in TypeScript with three.js

Professional Experience

Graduate Research Assistant

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Department of Computer Science

2021 - ongoing

Visiting Scholar

Carnegie-Mellon University

School of Computer Science

Summer 2020

Software Engineering Intern


Summer 2019

  • Supervised by Charles McKenzie
  • Built new features and contributed to the web interface for Wayfair credit card and financing options
  • Worked with full stack technologies (PHP, JavaScript, CSS, Git, etc.)

Lead Research Assistant

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Department of Science and Technology Studies

2017 - 2018

Teaching Experience

User Interface Design (CS 465)

Teaching Assistant

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Instructor: Dr. Brian Bailey

Spring 2023

Natural Language Processing (CS 447)

Teaching Assistant

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Instructor: Dr. Julia Hockenmaier

Spring 2023

Anti-Social Computing (CS 598-ASC)

Teaching Assistant

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Instructor: Dr. Eshwar Chandrasekharan

Fall 2022

Interactive Computer Graphics (CS 418)

Teaching Assistant

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Instructor: Dr. John Hart

Fall 2021

Data Structures (CSCI 1200)

Undergraduate Mentor

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Instructor: Dr. Barbara Cutler

Spring 2019, Fall 2019

Computer Science I (CSCI 1100)

Undergraduate Mentor

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Fall 2018

Invited Talks/Presentations

ConvEx: A Visual Conversation Exploration tool for Discord Moderators

Paper presentation at CSCW ‘23

Oct 2023

3D Hand Pose Estimation on Conventional Capacitive Touchscreens

Paper presentation at MobileHCI ‘21

Sep 2021



  • Front-end technologies

TypeScript, JavaScript, React, d3, three.js, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Material UI, Android Studio

  • Web-server technologies

Node.js, express

  • Software development

git, GitHub, Java, C++, C#

  • Academic computing

Haskell, Python, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab

  • Machine learning

OpenCV, Tensorflow, PyTorch

Interpersonal Skills

  • Dividing work between multiple people
  • Identifying strengths of team members and assigning tasks
  • Articulating a clear plan and motivating others to follow
  • Being understanding of team members and being flexible with plans
  • Explaining concepts through different approaches to people with different backgrounds


  • Graphic design
  • Playing the piano
  • Getting off topic
  • Making jokes

View source on GitHub
Last updated 5/30/2024
© 2024 Frederick Choi